Echo Park / Elysian Heights Secret Stairs

Public Stairways are frequently referred to as “secret” stairways. I generally find that funny, since most of them are on Google Maps and they are open to the public. Fellowship Park within Echo Park is one of the few places that really live up to the “secret” moniker. A public right of way that winds […]

Beachwood Canyon’s Beautiful Public Stairways

On a beautiful day in late Summer 2013, I decided to walk every stairway in Beachwood Canyon. The Beachwood Canyon public stairways are unique for their beautiful stone risers, found nowhere else in the city. The neighborhood provides a gorgeous setting for arguably the best stairway climbing in LA. Check out the map. The Alcyona […]

Gutted truck on Turquoise St, looking North

Montecito Heights & Lincoln Heights Public Stairways

On a scorching day last August, my friend Jenn and I set out to explore some of the stairways and other sights of Montecito Heights along Huntington Drive and Lincoln Heights to the southwest. While these neighborhoods are not often cited for their architecture or beauty, we found some wonderful, unique stairways, great panoramic views, […]